Embracing Diversity

Oh, how true it is, that diversity is a boon,

For just like the musical notes, we are all in tune.

With our colors and flavors, we create a tapestry,

A beautiful world, full of variety.

Each of us unique, with our own special gift,

A world full of wonder, with much to uplift.

So let us celebrate, our differences and more,

For it's our diversity, that we should adore.

The hues of our skin, the languages we speak,

The tastes of our foods, that make our hearts beat.

Our cultures and customs, that define who we are,

They make this world, a place to shine like a star.

So let us embrace, the beauty of diversity,

For in its abundance, lies true prosperity.

Captain Claw's Journey Through the Looking Glass

The sky was a sea of orange, pink and purple, as the sun slowly disappeared behind the towering peaks of the mountains. The air was filled with the sound of crickets chirping, and the rustling of leaves in the cool night breeze. The world was alive, and it was beautiful.

Or at least, that was how it appeared to most people.

But for Captain Claw, the world was a dreary, monotonous place. He had lived his entire life on this planet, and everything seemed the same. The same people, the same places, and the same experiences. He longed for something new, something different.

And that was when he stumbled upon it.

It was a portal, a door to another world. He didn't know how he found it, but it was there. And it was calling to him.

Captain Claw took a deep breath and stepped through the portal. And that was when everything changed.

He was in a world unlike anything he had ever seen before. The sky was a deep blue, and the stars shone brighter than diamonds. The air was thick with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and the ground was covered in lush, green grass.

But the most amazing thing about this new world was the creatures that lived in it. Creatures that he had never even imagined before. They had wings, horns, and tails, and their eyes shone like stars. They were beautiful, and they were everywhere.

Captain Claw wandered through this new world, marveling at all the wonders it held. He made friends with the creatures, learning about their cultures and their ways of life. He discovered new lands and oceans, and even found a hidden city of gold.

And for the first time in his life, Captain Claw was truly happy. He had found a place where he belonged, a place where he was free to be himself.

But then, he received a message from the creatures of this world. They told him that their world was in danger, and that he was the only one who could save it.

Captain Claw was scared, but he knew what he had to do. He set out on a journey, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. And in the end, he saved the world and the creatures that lived in it.

As he stepped back through the portal, Captain Claw knew that he would never forget the world he had just left behind. It had given him something that he had been searching for his entire life - a sense of purpose and belonging.

A Raindrop's Journey


Up high in the sky, in a world of blue, 

A raindrop forms, pure and new. 

Joined together with its kin, 

They form a cloud, ready to begin.

Then they separate, one by one, 

Falling through the air, as if on a run. 

Breaking apart, and taking flight, 

Each raindrop journeys through the light.

Falling faster, feeling weightless, 

Some raindrops glide, others restless. 

Through the mist and the haze, 

They race each other, in a watery maze.

Finally, they reach the ground, 

And gather, forming puddles all around. 

Joined once more, they're whole again, 

As if they never did descend.

The raindrops dance and play, 

As they reflect the sky's new gray. 

Their journey's end, is not in vain, 

For they'll rise again, and fall like rain, again.


Whispers of a Weary Willow

The sun beats down upon my leaves, 

My roots searching for water underneath the eaves, 

But the rain is scarce and the ground is dry, 

As the world around me starts to die.

I see the animals come and go, 

Searching for food, but with nothing to show. 

The birds have flown to lands afar, 

As I stand still, under the burning star.

The wind once whispered secrets to me, 

But now it roars, full of agony, 

The storms rage, with lightning bright, 

As the world around me struggles to fight.

I am a tree, a part of nature's plan, 

A symbol of life, of strength and span, 

But the world around me is changing fast, 

And my life, my home, is slipping past.

So I stand here, watching, waiting, 

Hoping that the world can start abating. 

The damage that has been done, 

Is worrying only some, but affecting everyone.

For we are all connected, by earth and sky, 

And as we hurt the planet, we too will die, 

But if we act, and if we try,

We can still save our home, before its loss makes us cry.

When The World Is Not Enough


When you outgrow the land you live on, the world will not be enough,

When you cut down the life in the green trees, the world will not be enough,

When nature will not be able to nurture, the world will not be enough,

When Earth shall breathe its last, the world will not be enough.


It won’t be enough as there would be no place to live,

It won’t be enough as there would be no O2 to give,

It won’t be enough as there would be no food to live

As Earth will finally have no life to give.

Food for Thought

  • Someone leaves somebody behind, someone else falls behind someone; There is so much going on “The Road” at any time, there is hardly anytime for anything else.

  • Life is an Iterative Redundancy – At a point in the past I was non-existent and so I would become at a point in the future. The world was as such when I was not there and none shall it change when I would not be once again. All whom I know were at once never present and whom I will come to know shall indeed one day vanish. Oh! Why are we born, what for, to accomplish what? When our presence is a moments notion and then to oblivion it shall vanish. 

  • Why are we bitter? why are we callous? why are we humans? and where is the humanity? Why can we not care or show some compassion? We go on to be selfish and do what we want, even if it means to throw at someone else a curse. 

  • Be a fool and ask questions rather than act smart and remain aloof because every doubt cleared is a piece of knowledge gained and each act of over smartness pushes you towards ignorance.

The Many Faces We Wear

We walk among the crowd with faces covered, 
Hiding who we truly are, discovering

That the world is harsh and unkind,

And showing weakness is just not our kind.

So we put on a mask, a disguise, 

A facade to hide our tears and lies, 

A shield from the pain and the fears, 

And a cover for the memories and tears.

The mask of confidence, bold and bright, 

Hides the insecurities and the fright. 

The mask of strength, to hide the weak, 

And the mask of happiness, when we seek.

But beneath these masks, we're all the same, 

With the same hopes, the same fears, the same pain. 

We all wear these masks every day, 

Hiding the truth in a different way.

So let's take off the masks, and be free, 

And show the world who we're meant to be. 

For the only way to truly live, 

Is to let the world, our true selves give.

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